Travel is a Creative Pursuit
Nov 25, 2022
This is my ode to travel. I don't personally think that we give it the credit it deserves. Most people will tend to ask their friends for recommendations or go to ubiquitous lists that can be found online as to where to go and what to see.
But how many people take the time to think and feel into what they want to do and where they want to go?
It's not about an Instagram-worthy photo.
In fact, you just might find yourself in a place that doesn't have good WI-FI. Nothing is worse than having the perfect photo, or video, or live queued up and being unable to share it with the world.
At least, that is what we have been taught to believe.
I see travel differently. More importantly, I hope to help YOU see travel differently.
I'm all for culture and "seeing the sites," but do we all have to see all the sites? Could there perhaps not be a better way to choose our itinerary based on what we will personally enjoy the most?
Like any other aspects of our lives, we can add the creative touch to our travel experiences.
While you can do this yourself if you have the inclination and time, this is where a travel advisor can be most helpful. An advisor is someone who gets to know you and what you truly desire from your travel experiences and has the knowledge, expertise, and contacts to get it done.
Creativity can be exercised in any aspect of your life. Why not travel, too?
Have you considered trying something new? Going to a place or at a time of year that "people" say is not the best?
I still remember what a great time I had with my sister in Venice, Italy, in August of 2008. It wasn't "smelly." I didn't mind having other tourists around. I got to explore at my leisure and ride the ferries to my heart's content. I was able to spend time with my sister who enjoys the same types of things I do. I needed to be a little creative with the timing, where we stayed (needed to take a train in), the length of the trip, and other aspects of the trip due to budget. My sister trusted me to do all the planning and just tell her how much she had to pay. We even managed to get our gondola ride which seemed out of reach due to cost. You never know what adventures you will be able to partake of when you allow time for spontaneity.
I'm sharing the image of one of my vision boards with you as an example of a creative endeavor that can be used to help you open up to your subconscious wishes and used as one way to get you on the path to making travel creative. Allow your dreams to bubble up to the surface so that you can start to make them come true.
I have the ability to assist with your ultra-creative travel wishes. Just reach out to me via email for specific requests.
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